
After two years of starting and re-starting 2.0 it’s finally here!

Sending a big thank you to all my amazing clients. Without you, I wouldn’t have the amazing projects and inspiring design challenges that make my job ‘not feel like a job’. Also a big thank you to my wonderful husband and daughter. You are my rock that keeps me grounded when the work/family juggling gets a little hectic 😉

Wishing you all a very Happy New Years + Cheers to a prosperous and healthy 2018!

Lisa | studiochartreuse




Branding studiochartreuse has been a project in the making for many years now. After 16 years in the design industry, it was definitely past due to put an identity and web presence together.

I choose ‘chartreuse’ because this colour has followed me for quite some time. For many years I’ve been drawn to its tranquility and vibrancy. Chartreuse manages to find itself in many places throughout my home. It is neither feminine nor masculine, and a little-known fact is that chartreuse is the most visible colour for humans.

Helvetica Neue is a recent favourite, and pairing the ultra lightweight with the stylized ‘S’ and ‘C’ fit well with the open and modern look I am drawn to when designing.

Venturing into ‘WordPress’ for my website has been both challenging and rewarding. Once I’d moved passed what seemed like an impossible learning curve, understanding the css, php and hex colours are now something I feel very comfortable with. For someone who is fearful of ‘math’ and especially ‘code’, it’s definitely a contrast to the visual realm I usually work in.

I’m looking forward to the interesting projects in years ahead with ‘studiochartreuse’. A brand that I finally settled into.